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Ecstatic Dance

Spiritual and Exploratory

Peace is wonderful, but ecstatic dance is more fun, and less narcissistic. -Rumi


Ecstatic dance is the practice of listening to and trusting the body's purest inclinations through free-form movement to music in a group or individual setting. By embracing your body as a core element of your humanity, you have a unique opportunity to learn more about your essential self and to spiritually connect with every part of your being. Individuals of all spiritual backgrounds and abilities are welcome and will be accommodated. Learn more here.


In-person and virtual sessions for individuals and groups are available. In-person sessions take place at Denver Area dance studios. Schedule a consultation below or here. Dance sessions are offered on a sliding scale. Consultations take place over video chat or phone.

Fratres Dei Spiritual Direction Ecstatic Dance, Denver, Colorado
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  • Free exploration of ecstatic dance over video chat or phone

    30 min

    Free Consultation
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